Sleep Disorders driving sleep deprivation
Insomnia, Sleep Apnoea, Shift Work Disorder, Restless Leg and more
Sleepfit has helped more than 10,000 employees uncover underlying sleep disorders. We estimate that 30% of the Australian workforce suffer from sleep disorders that are treatable. We work with employers and insurers to identify sleep disorders and break down barriers to treatment.
We believe that only 10% of people with sleep disorders are getting treated.
Two of the most common sleep disorders are insomnia and sleep apnoea. In addition to these disorders, there are many other including restless leg (neurological urge to move your legs during sleep) narcolepsy (unstable shifting between sleep and awake), rapid eye movement behaviour disorder (acting out dreams) and circadian rhythm sleep disorder (a shift in the timing of sleep).
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects approximately 30% of the Australian population.
Stress, anxiety and depression cause about half of all insomnia cases but interestingly, daytime habits, physical health and bedtime routine play a major role. At Sleepfit we know the long-term effects of sleep deprivation and our goal is to get your people sleeping well again.
The symptoms of Insomnia include:
Difficulty falling asleep
Trouble getting back to sleep after waking in the middle of the night
Waking up too early in the morning
Relying on alcohol and sleeping pills to fall asleep
Not feeling refreshed after sleep
Daytime drowsiness, fatigue or irritability
Difficulty concentrating during the day
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) is a common disorder that affects between 10-59% of employees depending on their industry.
Sleep apnoea interrupts a person’s breathing during sleep. The reduced airflow limits oxygen supply to the body and disrupts the quality of sleep. Like snoring, OSA results from the relaxation in the muscles of the throat, however, in the case of OSA, there is a complete collapse in the muscles and blockage of the airway which leads to other serious health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes and diabetes.
Unfortunately, the pathway to diagnosis can be frustrating and time-consuming. Here at Sleepfit we are committed to reducing the time to diagnosis, treatment and a good night's sleep.
Why focus on undiagnosed sleep disorders?
People need to wake up to their risk. While anyone can be tired from day-to-day influences, people with chronic and undiagnosed sleep disorders generally feel constantly fatigued. Their fatigue is so constant that the person generally thinks it is ‘normal’.
"Up to 80% of people with Obstructive Sleep Apnoea don’t know they have it."It makes work safer. Reducing fatigue risks in this workforce has a big impact on workplace safety including accidents, injuries and mental health.
It will improve lives. The greatest benefit for treating employees sleep disorders is their life away from work. Sleep disorders lead to an increased risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease and depression (amongst many other conditions). Family life improves because partners tend to sleep better, they are happier and have more energy.
We can help. Sleep disorders are 100% treatable.
Our program is quick. The normal treatment pathways from diagnosis to treatment in the public and private systems are drawn out. Treatment involves multiple consultations with different specialists and visits to sleep clinics, taking months. We reduce the timeframe to days.
It works. We have helped more than 10,000 people test their sleep and when they need it, get help to treat their poor sleep.​