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Shift Workers

Shift work and staying safe at work

Fatigue, shift sleeping and burnout

While most of us are tucked up in bed each night, 1 in 5 Australians is awake and working. From around the clock medical staff in hospitals, to pilots, machine operators, overnight security guards, and emergency response in a global pandemic, there is work to be done 24- hours a day. Shift work is an economic necessity, but what is the cost?

Compared to day shift work, those who work at night are 88% more likely to administer a medication error, get injured, or perform an on-the-job procedural error. Shift workers are also 5.5 times more likely to be involved in a car crash driving home after a night shift than other road users at the same time in the morning.

Our bodies are designed to sleep at night and function at our best during the day. When that turns on its head, employees need know-how to avoid shift work sleep disorders, burn out and fatigue.

At Sleepfit, we work with the specialists at CQ University’s Appleton Institute to create digital programs based on up to date cutting-edge science to improve workers’ sleep health, including:

  • Tips and tricks to avoid sleeping pills and medication for shift workers

  • Help workers keep track of their sleep and how long they’ve been awake

  • Tips to get the most out of the sleep opportunity they have

  • Recognising signs and symptoms of fatigue in themselves and colleagues

  • Strategies to improve stress and fatigue in the workplace

​Looking for a workplace health program that can be delivered at low cost, require few resources, and can be provided to employees anywhere, anytime? We’ve got you covered.

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